Thursday, March 12, 2020

The History of the World in Six Glasses Essay Essay Example

The History of the World in Six Glasses Essay Essay Example The History of the World in Six Glasses Essay Paper The History of the World in Six Glasses Essay Paper How did beer lead to the development of metropoliss in Mesopotamia and Egypt? Grains grew widespread in the Fertile Crescent ( The crescent shaped country which had an ideal clime and dirt for turning workss and raising farm animal. it stretches from Egypt. up the Mediterranean seashore to Turkey. and so down once more to the boundary line between Iraq and Iran. ) doing the unwilled find of beer. The Fertile Crescent’s highly rich dirt was suited for the growing of cereal grains after the last ice age. which occurred around 10. 000 BCE. Hunter-gatherers were drawn to the cereal grains and. the ability to maintain the grains for long periods of clip stimulated them to remain. If they hunter-gatherers could boom of off the wild grain if they were willing to remain near it and reap at its extremum. After the hunter-gatherers had spent so much clip roll uping the grain they would hold been loath to go forth the grain that they had collected nor could they travel with it. For this ground hunter-gatherers began to settle on the land. These colonists shortly found that the grain could be stockpiled for long periods of clip without botching. The engineering of these colonists was still in development so storage infinites were non normally watertight. and when the H2O got into the reserve of the collected grains they started to shoot and acquired a sweet gustatory sensation. Therefore going malted grains. When gruel. which is made of poached malted grains. was left to sit for a twosome of yearss it undertakes an interesting transmutation. It becomes a cheerily intoxicating and somewhat bubbly liquid. as the barms from the gruel turn it to alcohol. The cereal grains used to do beer was frequently used as an edible currency. because everyone needed it. Peoples traded and sold it. doing the development and enlargement of metropoliss. Bethany McDaniel AP World History Summer 2012 Assignment Chapter 3 A ; 4 Question 1 Describe the function that wine dramas in Greek or Roman society in relation to societal position. Wine had become available in Mesopotamia in really little measures in 870 BCE. The cost of transporting vino from the mountains down to civilisation. in the fields. made it highly expensive. Almost 10 times more expensive than the more common drink- beer. Wine was considered an alien and foreign drink. Merely the sole few could afford to imbibe and the chief usage was spiritual. When it was available. its high monetary value and scarceness made it a drink worthy of the Gods. Most people neer tasted it. Wine became more stylish in Mesopotamian society. but it neer became wildly low-cost outside wine-producing countries. For the Greeks vino imbibing was synonymous with civilisation and polish. What sort of vino you drank. and its age. indicated how civilized you were. Wine was preferred over beer. all right vinos were preferred over ordinary 1s. and older vinos over younger 1s. What mattered even more was how you behaved when you drank it. The Grecian pattern of blending vino and H2O was therefore a in-between land between savages who over-indulged and those who did non imbibe at all. The difference between affluent and humble Romans was in the contents of their vino spectacless. For affluent Romans. the ability to acknowledge and call the finest vino was an of import signifier of conspicuous ingestion ; it showed that they were rich plenty to afford the finest vinos and had spent clip larning which was which. The richest Romans drank the finest vinos and poorer people drank lesser vintages. Appreciation of different vinos began with the Greeks. and the nexus between the type of vino and the societal position of the drinker was strengthened by the Romans. Bethany McDaniel AP World History Summer 2012 Assignment Chapters 5 A ; 6 Question 1 Explain how Alcohol is related to the African slave trade. African slaves were traded in exchange for European goods. The most pursued good was alcohol in add-on. other goods were needed and utile. Peoples liked the feeling they got from the ingestion of intoxicant. non because of the gustatory sensation. Liquors became popular because the ingestion of liquors got people more intoxicated faster. Another ground liquors became popular was because they contained a higher intoxicant content which acted as a preservative that allowed the liquors to be kept for long periods of clip. They could besides be shipped in slighter bundles. The settlers needed slaves to work on the farms that grew the ingredients for liquors. Settlers foremost tried to capture their ain slaves. but failed. They so decided to import African slaves. Sugar and grain industries. the chief industries involved in doing intoxicant. were greatly dependent on on slave labour. Most slave bargainers drank imported intoxicant ; they didn’t even imbibe Western beers. It was more noteworthy than their ain grain based beers and palm vinos and it shortly became a differentiation of slave bargainers. Slave bargainers preferred intoxicant. specifically spirits. but besides frequently recognized fabrics. bowls. shells. jugs. and sheets or Cu in exchange for slaves. More and more slaves were bought as more and more liquors were in demand. The slaves grew and harvested the stuffs to do alcohol- sugar and barley. Bing slaves they were non paid. which saved tonss of money for the husbandmans. Having slaves alternatively of paid workers allows for more net income. which put more money into the economic system. This allowed Europe to go more modern. industrial. and expanded. Bethany McDaniel AP World History Summer 2012 Assignment Chapter 7 A ; 8 Question 1 Compare and contrast coffee’s credence in society in its early phases to beer. vino. or liquors. Beer wasn’t needfully accepted in society. more that it built society taking to its credence. Peoples came together to turn the ingredients of beer. When beer was foremost made it was extremely accepted among the bulk of people. It was the first alcoholic drink ; People enjoyed the bombilation it gave so and idea of it as a trade name new category of drinks. Wine nevertheless. was non as speedy to go popular. It was extremely expensive so common citizens couldn’t afford it. If beer was available most people would imbibe it over wine because of the cost. Merely the sole few could afford to imbibe and the chief usage was spiritual. Liquors ( modern twenty-four hours spirits ) nevertheless were wildly accepted. Peoples loved liquors. They were in such high demand that people were purchasing them faster than they were being made. Unlike beer or vino people could acquire imbibe on smaller measures of liquors. Liquors were besides slightly habit-forming. to the point where people would take a shooting with breakfast every forenoon. Coffee was accepted in a different manner. Peoples liked java because it was an alternate to alcohol. They could imbibe it in the forenoon with their breakfast alternatively of intoxicant or H2O. Water was insecure to imbibe because it had a inclination to be contaminated. Coffee was known as the great soberer because unlike intoxicant its effects made you more awake and qui vive as opposed to alcohol’s elating consequence. Most of these drinks were accepted because it was a new non-alcoholic esthesis. Bethany McDaniel AP World History Summer 2012 Assignment Chapter 7 A ; 8 Question 2 Describe the function of java houses in society in Europe. Cafes. unlike the illicit taverns that sold intoxicant. were topographic points where respectable people could afford to be seen. Some governments didn’t approve of java houses. they said that were. â€Å"hotbeds of chitchat. rumour. political argument and satirical treatment. They were popular locales for cheat and backgammon. which were regarded as morally doubtful. Although cafes were originally accepted as meeting topographic points and beginnings of intelligence. they were shortly banned by Muslin bookmans. They argued that java had intoxicant effects and therefore was against the instructions of the prophesier Muhammad. After a few months. higher powers lifted the prohibition in some countries because no jurisprudence was really being broken. but they were still socially frowned upon for being topographic points of lay-a-bouts of chitchats associated. In other countries. java was considered an alien freshness and java houses spread highly rapidly. Cafes began to travel West from Great Britain to Amsterdam to The Hague and in that motion it regained its name of an rational tap house of peoples who were above alcoholic ingestion. As the java houses regained their respectful image. they began to distribute across Europe quickly. Where java houses burned in the great fire of London in 1666. twice every bit many were rebuilt as a program for commercial concern. Coffee houses attracted people of the working category because java had medical benefits of forestalling sleepiness. sore eyes. and coughs which improved concern production. Even though people were indulgent of java houses at first. they grew to go a cardinal factor in society. Bethany McDaniel AP World History Summer 2012 Assignment Chapter 9 A ; 10 Question 1 Explain why the Industrial Revolution began in Britain. Richard Arkwright invented a new and more efficient attack to fabrication. therefore the industrial revolution began in Great Britain. Arkwright thought to utilize machine workers alternatively of human workers. This was a genius thought. because machines neer tire but worlds get tired finally. no affair their age. This besides provided a new occupation to replace the occupation that the machines replaced: running the machines. Arkwright created a manner for less clip and attempt to be used to make more work. Many of import exporting industries liked and adopted Arkwright’s doctrine shortly after he presented it. One of the chief industries was tea. Tea was originally a drink used to typify Great Britain as a civilizing. and hardworking power. But after Arkwright’s doctrine was put into action in the tea industry it rapidly became the premier export for Great Britain. So much teas was traded that it funded the edifice of British companies in India. Are you even still reading this because this is highly deadening. Tea was the fuel of workers in these British mills. and was being produced in mass measures. In a short sum of clip. tea became the 2nd most consumed drink in the universe. with lone H2O above it. With the sum of tea being sold. Great Britain was rapidly able to fund more and more mills to be built. These industuries went global and expanded trade further across the Earth. Great Britain shortly became the chief centre of industry in the Eastern hemisphere. More mills lead to more tea which lead to more workers which lead to more money. that was the doctrine being used. All of these industries-including tea- aided Great Britain in going a universe hardworking power. Bethany McDaniel AP Summer 2012 Assignment Chapter 11 A ; 12 Question 1 Discuss how World War Two impacted the globalisation of Coca-Cola. In 1886 John Pemberton â€Å"invented† Coca-Cola. Pemberton ab initio sold Coca-Cola as a medicative sirup that eased concerns. This sirup sold. but it was more of a local redress. and non rather as popular vessel he would hold hoped. Pemberton was a fiddler. and he mixed this sirup with ‘bubbly water’ in order to make what is now known as the drink of America. By the terminal of 1895 one-year gross revenues had reached 76. 000 gallons and Coca-Cola was being sold in every province in America. Although Coca- Cola was being sold in several other states by the clip of the eruption of World War Two. As America mobilized the president of the Coca-Cola Company issued an order stating â€Å"every adult male in unvarying gets a bottle of Coca-Cola for five cents. wherever he is. and whatever it costs the company. † When he president of Coca-Cola said this it automatically linked Coke to nationalism and support for the war attempt. Transporting bottles of Coca-Cola halfway around the universe would be expensive and inefficient. So particular bottling workss and sodium carbonate fountains were established in the field. During the World War Two no less than 64 bottling workss were established around the universe and served about 10 billion drinks. Coca-Cola was made available to civilians near American bases overseas. many of whom developed a gustatory sensation for the drink. Peoples around the universe from Polynesians to Zulus. tasted Coca-Cola for the first clip during World War Two. The â€Å"Coca-Cola Colonels† helped distribute Coke across the universe through World War Two. Bethany McDaniel AP World History Summer Assignment Chapters 11 A ; 12 Question 2 Describe the function of Prohibition in the United States in the creative activity of Coca-Cola. In 1887. America was traveling to experiment with a prohibition of intoxicant. This was an inducement for Coca-Cola to acquire itself established so that its gross revenues could detonate. Alcohol was an highly popular American drink. but without intoxicant. people would be in hunt of another drink to imbibe as a replacement. This would hold been a great chance for Coca-Cola had it really happened. but the prohibition experiment was discontinued in November 1887. Initially. Coca- Cola had advertised itself as a drink with astonishing medicative benefits. for difficult working mean. The business communities at Coca-Cola shortly realized that working me could merely travel out and imbibe intoxicant if they were tired. so they changed their advertizements to demo how Coca-Cola was household friendly and reviewing. They decided that this could demo how it was an any-time of twenty-four hours drink. which adult females and kids could imbibe every bit good as working work forces. This helped set up the Coca- Cola concern because it was now geared toward a larger border of purchasers. With all of this go oning. Coca-Cola was a well-established concern when the prohibition was really enforced in the twelvemonth of 1920. During these 13 old ages of prohibition. the Coca-Cola gross revenues tripled. With no intoxicant to devour. people turned to the bubbly reviewing Coca-Cola drink as a replacement. After the prohibition was ended. people still continued to devour Coca-Cola because they had developed a gustatory sensation for it during the 13 old ages that America was dry. To most Americans the Prohibition was a bad thing. for the Coca-Cola Company it was a really profitable 13 plus old ages. Bethany McDaniel AP Summer 2012 Assignment Overall Analysis Questions 1. 2. 3 1. How do the six drinks chosen by Standage aid to explicate universe history? A History of the World in 6 Spectacless tells the narrative of humanity from the ancient times to the twenty-first century through the position of six drinks. All of the drinks Tom Standage chose symbolized of import alterations in universe history. Beer was foremost cultivated in the Fertile Crescent and by 3000 B. C. E. was highly of import to Mesopotamia and Egypt. it was even used for currency. In Greece vino became the chief export. assisting dispersed Grecian civilization abroad. Liquors such as rum and brandy fueled the Age of Exploration. fueling the malicious slave trade. Coffee encouraged radical idea in Europe during the Age of Reason. when cafes became centres of academic conversation. And 100s of old ages after the Chinese began imbibing tea. it became popular in Britain. Finally. carbonated drinks became a 20th-century phenomenon. and Coca- Cola in peculiar is the taking symbol of globalisation. 2. Describe morality in the Islamic World. The Muslim people were restrained by jurisprudence from imbibing alcohol- and java for a period of time- because it was considered immoral harmonizing to the Torah. 3. Tom Standage offers his sentiment for the following era’s specifying drink- H2O. With supreme wealth. engineering. and resources at our generation’s fingertips. more attempt must be devoted for all world to hold clean imbibing H2O. It’s an astonishing disproportion when 1000000s of Westerners are overzealous about bottled H2O when there are 100s of 1000000s around the universe who must walk more than 10 stat mis to acquire clean imbibing H2O ( if it is available at all ) .

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